A Commitment by Families and Schools
Catholic Schools Broken Bay (CSBB) mission is to support parents* as the first and foremost educators of their children, and the role they play in their child’s faith formation, learning and wellbeing.
This Charter outlines the principles and responsibilities of all members of the CSBB Community.
*Parents is used in this document as a term to include natural, adoptive, or foster parents, guardians, and caregivers of students.
Our School Community
We are very fortunate to have many willing parents who contribute to the everyday life of the school in so many different ways.
Our community values the contributions of all and encourages participation in all aspects of school life including:
- Canteen and Uniform Volunteers
- Class Parents
- Many various celebrations throughout each year
- Mother’s and Father’s Day Breakfasts
- School Excursion Assistance
- Classroom Helpers